


Financial Results for FY2020 and the Management Plan for FY2021

About results for FY2020 and FY2021 plan

(演示幻灯片第29页和第30页)2020财年下半年,HPP公司在三个战略领域的整体净销售额都超过了2021年1月宣布的预测. At the same time, operating income was in line with plans. Were there any fields or businesses that fell short of operating income plans?

由于2月份北美地区的寒潮,部分生产基地不得不暂停运营。. Owing to the shipment of inventories in response, fixed costs exceeded plans in line with the downturn in inventory. Turning to the three strategic fields, SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION在移动领域以及建筑和基础设施领域的营业收入略低于计划.

  • *HPP Company:High Performance Plastics Company
(演示幻灯片第35页)您是否考虑将房屋公司业绩中零部件费用上涨的影响转嫁到产品价格上? 除了, are you concerned that a shortage of timber will cause production to stall, 即使是暂时的?

Despite the impact of rising steel prices, 这是特别大的, we are not contemplating passing on to product prices. We will look to mitigate the effects through various measures including cost reductions. 木材价格也在上涨, but there has been no shortage so far that has caused production to stall.

(Page 41 of the presentation slides) As far as the UIEP Company’s FY2021 plan is concerned, to what extent will you be able to offset upswings in the cost of PVC resin, 原料, through adjustments to product prices and other measures?

十大赌博娱乐平台预计原材料成本的上升和产品价格的上涨在整个2021财年期间完全生效之间存在轻微的时间滞后. While working swiftly to expand increases in product prices, we will look to offset high raw material costs through cost reductions at the same time.

  • *UIEP Company:Urban Infrastructure & 环保产品公司

在FY2020, 固定成本同比下降约140亿日元,原因包括结构性改革和成本控制(包括因COVID-19影响开展销售活动的障碍). Of this total, approximately ¥6 billion was due the constant effects of reductions. Moving forward, we intend to use this amount for Group-wide growth investments in FY2021. 除了节能设备等环境相关投资以及生物炼制商业化和DX的其他投资之外, the money saved through reductions will be used to strengthen efforts aimed at identifying M&一个机会.

About demand forecasts in the three strategic fields of the HPP Company, etc.

(演示幻灯片第31页)就扩大高性能层间膜的销售而言, sales volumes in both the 1H and 2H of FY2021 are projected to be lower than the 2H of FY2020. Isn’t this a rather conservative forecast?

由于受新冠肺炎疫情影响,上半年汽车制造商的库存水平较低, sales volumes were quite high in the 3Q of FY2020. Moreover, sales of high-performance interlayer films were robust in the 4Q. 这在很大程度上反映出,由于对半导体短缺的担忧,整个汽车供应链的库存都在增加. 除了将2021财年上半年和下半年的销量维持在与2020财年下半年相同的水平之外, 这是很强大的, 十大赌博娱乐平台将特别注重扩大用于平视显示器(HUD)系统的产品的销售,并改善产品组合.


We anticipate the impact will continue through to around the 3Q of FY2021.


十大赌博娱乐平台预计将扩大汽车用散热材料的销售,并计划在2021财年将销量同比增长30%左右. We also plan to expand sales of exterior parts in India.


因半导体供应不足而导致的汽车生产停滞预计将在明年1月左右出现.5 million unit globally in FY2021. We believe this will have a negative impact of roughly ¥1-1.5 billion on the Company’s operating income.

(演示幻灯片第31页)哪些产品预计在2021财年在非lcd电子领域表现出特别大的销售增长? 除了, 从2020财年下半年到2021财年上半年,预计销售增长缺乏的原因是什么?

预计2021财年销售额增长特别大的产品包括各种半导体产品, PVB resins used in binders for multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs), 以及散热材料. 由于对2020财年下半年半导体短缺的担忧,预计整个电子相关产品供应链的产品库存将增加, we are planning for certain amount of inventory adjustment in the 1H of FY2021.

About demand forecasts for business in the aircraft field


In formulating an earnings plan for SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION, a part of the HPP Company’s operations, 十大赌博娱乐平台在上半年考虑了一些关于需求的假设,这些假设稍微保守一些,基本上符合波音提出的生产计划, 21世纪的大客户. Accordingly, we are anticipating an overall recovery from the 2H. In the aircraft sheet business of the UIEP Company, despite experiencing a substantial year-on-year decline in FY2020, we expect new aircraft demand in FY2021 will gradually recover over the 2H. 然而, existing aircraft interior renewal demand is projected to remain at the same level as FY2020.

About the outlook for the housing market and order plans

(Page 36 of the presentation slides) Looking at new housing orders, plans call for a return in the number of orders to the level recorded in FY2019 in FY2021. 在参观展览空间的客户数量尚未完全恢复的情况下,您将如何实现这一计划?

There are two key aspects to achieving the plan. One aspect is that the number of visitors is exhibiting a recovery trend. Coupled with ongoing efforts to strengthen customer traffic via the WEB, we anticipate securing a year-on-year increase in the number of customers. 另一方面,十大赌博娱乐平台成功地确保了足够的现成房屋库存,十大赌博娱乐平台将特别关注扩大销售.

About the outlook for UIEP Company domestic demand


同时,预计中小型非住宅装修店的需求将缓慢复苏, 酒店, 其他), 预计2021财年下半年将出现与大型建设项目相关的新需求. 除了, 公共部门的需求趋势估计将保持稳定,重点是更换老化的基础设施.


The revised draft of the 公司治理 Code, 哪条规定公司董事会中至少有三分之一的董事必须由独立的外部董事组成, 于4月6日上映. SEKISUI 化学 Group does not meet this requirement. How do you plan to address this issue in the future?

目前, the Company’s Board of Directors is comprised of 10 members, three of whom are independent outside directors. We recognize that this fiscal year is the result of placing the right people in the right places. 十大赌博娱乐平台正在考虑下一财年的应对措施,并正在寻找合适人选担任独立外部董事.